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Dalton, Alexandra (Upper Namoi Cotton Grower Association, 2019-06-30)
The Upper Namoi Cotton Growers CGA showed particular interest in the water savings and water efficiency infrastructure available.
Mensah, Robert (New South Wales Department Of Primary Industries, 2019-06-30)
This travel Scholarship supported Dr Robert Mensah, who was invited by the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC)and presented the topic “IPM is Key to Insecticide Management: Alternative Solutions for Insecti
Bierhoff, Bernard (Walgett Cotton Growers Association, 2019-06-30)
Growers in the Walgett Cotton Growers Association(CGA) have shown ongoing interest in ensuring that they are at the forefront of new technologies and ideas.
Phillip, Andrew (Northern Territory Farmers Association Inc., 2019-06-30)
Cotton has been looked to be a commercial crop in the Northern Territory on several occasions over the last 100 years, firstly as a wet season crop and more recently (in the last 25 years) as a dry season (winter) cro
Henley, Ben (The University Of Melbourne, 2019-06-30)
Dr Ben Henley of the University of Melbourne was invited to present and participate as a panel member in the Australian Cotton Conference Cotton Conference "Climate Session presentation and Panel Discussion"