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McDougall, Sandra (New South Wales Department Of Primary Industries, 2018-12-30)
The cotton industry in southern NSW has expanded from negligible areas less than a decade ago to 70,680 ha harvested in 2014, 44,201 ha in 2016, and predictions of 90,000 ha in the 2017/18 season, with plantings into
Anderson, Martin, Li, Calvin (2015-04-13)
This research studies the rate of recovery of a depleted aquifer under variable climatic conditions.
Triantafilis, John, McBratney, Alex (1992-08-11)
In the arid and semi-arid regions of the world, irrigation has enabled previously unarable tracts of land to be used for a wide variety of agricultural activities.
Barrett, Hugh (1992-08-11)
There are basically three ways of preventing cotton farm runoff from contaminating the riverine.
Harden, G. (1992-08-11)
A widespread problem of premature defoliation and physiological cut out of cotton has occurred in the Emerald Irrigation Area since the early 1980s. The problem was particularly severe in 1988 and 1989.