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(Agtrans Research, 2018-09-30)
myBMP is a voluntary farm and environmental management system which provides self- assessment mechanisms, practical tools and auditing processes to ensure that Australian cotton is produced according to best managemen
Lower, Tony (University Of Sydney, 2015-06-30)
To maximise improvements in work health and safety, it is vital to have the best available evidence available to understand the risks that exist.
Lower, Tony (University Of Sydney, 2014-06-30)
Health and safety are key issues for all agricultural businesses.
Gibb, Dallas, Johnson, Peter (Leftfield Solutions Pty Ltd, Techmac Pty Ltd, 2012-06-30)
This project comprised two key parts:
A. The compilation and review of a Best Management Practices manual for the Storage
and Handling sector of the Australian cotton industry; and
Fox, Brendon (FarmPlus Info, 2010-06-30)
The 2008–09 year has seen extensive development of the online portal to support myBMP, the web-based version of the industry’s environmental management system, Best Management Practices.