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Wilson, Lewis (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2010-06-30)
This project supports the ongoing development of IPM in cotton by targeting emerging pest issues, and inappropriate management which may threaten IPM. Key outcomes were:
Gordon, Karl (CSIRO Entomology, 2010-06-30)
H. armigera is one of the major pests faced by the Australian cotton industry.
Frager, Lyn, Temperley, John (University Of Sydney, 2009-06-30)
The cotton industry in Australia had an early interest in pursuing improved safety and has included
presentations on cotton production health and safety at most annual cotton conferences since 1990
Tann, Colin (CSIRO Entomology, 2009-06-30)
The use of transgenic (Bt) cotton (IngardĀ® and more recently Bollgard IIĀ®) has greatly reduced the use of insecticides in Australian cotton production and the status of key lepidopteran pests such as Helicoverpa spp.