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Charles, Graham (2013-12-03)
The intent of this guide is to give cotton growers information relating the impact of known concentrations of a herbicide on crop growth, exposed at a given crop growth stage, on crop growth and development and final
DuBois, Chelsea, Schmidt, Otto (University Of Adelaide, 2011-06-30)
Insects can respond to selection pressure by mobilising new defence mechanisms.
Burns, Mitchell (University Of Sydney, 2011-06-30)
) used to support pesticide management decisions at the catchment-scale can deliver environmental protection while retaining farm production benefits.
Khan, Moazzem (Queensland Department Of Employment, Economic Development And Innovation (DEEDI), 2011-06-30)
In Bollgard® II cotton 2-5 sprays are required to manage mirid and stinkbugs every season.
Kauter, Greg (Australian Cotton Grower Research Association, 2008-06-30)
Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) is the causal agent of a damaging disease of cotton (CLCuD) that is caused by a number of different begomoviruses and vectored by Silver Leaf Whitefly (SLW).