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Anderson, Fiona A (Crop Consultants Australia Incorporated, 2016-06-30)
Egg collecting has been critical to the success of the Helicoverpa resistance monitoring programs.
Hunter, Sally (FundBase Pty Ltd, 2013-06-30)
A Cotton Skills Benchmarking system ( ) has been
developed and now needs to be ground-truthed with cotton growers. This report
Frager, Lyn, Temperley, John (University Of Sydney, 2009-06-30)
The cotton industry in Australia had an early interest in pursuing improved safety and has included
presentations on cotton production health and safety at most annual cotton conferences since 1990
Yapp, Graham, GeoRIA Associates (2008-04-01)
This booklet is part of a series describing the status of data and information for reporting on natural resource condition indicators agreed under the National Natural Resource Management Monitoring and Evaluation Fra