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Quayle, Wendy (Deakin University, 2019-06-30)
Cotton is now a significant crop in the irrigated Riverina region of southern NSW, Australia, increasing in area from approximately 39,000 ha in 2013 to 90,050 ha in 2018 and contributing from between 10-30% of Austra
Kingston, Kate (Griffith University, 2019-06-30)
Drought is one of these natural weather phenomena set to accelerate that causes massive losses to agricultural crops, increase land degradation, reduce clean water supplies and thereby inducing malnutrition and starva
Young, Shelby, Kirkby, Karen (Texas Tech University, 2019-06-30)
International Collaborations between Australia and the United States in Cotton Disease Management: Comparison of isolation methods and media for quantifying Verticillium dahliae populations in soil.
Fillipi, Patrick (University Of Sydney, 2018-06-30)
Soil is an invaluable finite resource, and there is considerable interest in monitoring the status of soil, as well as the direction and degree of any changes in soil attributes.
Braunack, Michael, Bange, Michael, Bennett, John (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2018-06-30)
Soil compaction is a hidden and continuing constraint to cotton productivity due to increasing size and weight of equipment and is estimated to be in the order of >$30M in lost revenue.