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Falivene, Steven, Treeby, Michael (2012-06-20)
Fertigation is being increasingly adopted by citrus producers as an alternative to traditional approaches to supplying fertilisers to trees.
NPSI (2012-05-08)
Managing fertigation systems to achieve good productivity and avoiding fertiliser wastage and loss.
Skinner, Andrew (2011-05-01)
This case study looks at prototyping the automated soil solution sampling and measurement tool to locate salt in the soil profile.
Schrale, Gerrit (2009-08-17)
* Determine/update the crop salinity relationships * Determine the variability of EC (soil water) and leaching efficiency in the field * Simulate different scenarios of River Murray salinity at Morgan * Input to the M
McKenzie, D.C. (1984-12-05)
Soils that disperse tend to have poor drainage; excessive swelling closes soil pores, which also block up with dispersed clay, sand and silt.