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Miao, Menge (CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship, 2017-06-30)
The use of the new round module builder pickers has grown very quickly in Australia, reaching about 90% in 2015.
Welsh, Jon (Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, 2017-06-30)
In the last few years Australia's renewable energy sector has gone from niche to mainstream, resulting in cost reduction and a reduced need for government.
Crowle, Gene (CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship, 2016-06-30)
This research sought to determine why differences in dye uptake may occur between cottons with near identical fibre properties.
Young, Mike, Binning, Carl (2015-04-18)
Conservation on land not used for commercial purposes is among the most highly taxed land uses in Australia.
Anderson, Martin, Li, Calvin (2015-04-13)
This research studies the rate of recovery of a depleted aquifer under variable climatic conditions.