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McDougall, Sandra (New South Wales Department Of Primary Industries, 2018-12-30)
The cotton industry in southern NSW has expanded from negligible areas less than a decade ago to 70,680 ha harvested in 2014, 44,201 ha in 2016, and predictions of 90,000 ha in the 2017/18 season, with plantings into
Williams, Sandra (2015-04-15)
This document covers species identification, honeydew, Whitefly ecology, thresholds , management Farm hygeine and Biosecurity risks
Khan, Moazzem (Queensland Department Of Employment, Economic Development And Innovation (DEEDI), 2011-06-30)
In Bollgard® II cotton 2-5 sprays are required to manage mirid and stinkbugs every season.
Miles, Melina (Queensland DEEDI, 2010-06-30)
The objectives of the project were to (i) develop techniques for evaluating insecticide efficacy against solenopsis mealybug, and (ii) evaluate the efficacy of a range of insecticides that have potential to provide ef
Wilson, Lewis (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2010-06-30)
This project supports the ongoing development of IPM in cotton by targeting emerging pest issues, and inappropriate management which may threaten IPM. Key outcomes were: