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Paisley, Zoe, Paisley, Lisa (2017-06-30)
The Resistance Management Plan (RMP) for Australian Bt cotton aims to minimise the development of resistant Helicoverpa moths.
Devlin, Alice (2014-12-10)
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot, Disease Research Update, Weeds, GVIA Research Project The 'Filling the Research Gap' project which is looking at nitrous oxide emissions through irrigation water at Redmill is already
Hunter, Geoff (2014-12-02)
Dryland Pix trial * Reniform Nematode * N trial * Central Queensland Field Walk *Update from Philip Armytage Darwin Trip
Hunter, Geoff (2014-09-30)
Dryland farming systems tour * Grains Update * Nitrogen Forum *NutriLOGIC program *Nitrogen Trials
Lowien, Zara (Gwydir Valley Cotton Growers Association (CGA), 2014-06-30)
Cotton growers and consultants are becoming concerned with the level of
compaction in soils in the Gwydir. The feeling is that compaction is increasing due