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Dr Malem McLeod (Cotton Research & Development Corporation (CRDC), NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2023-06-15)
Quayle, Wendy (Deakin University, 2019-06-30)
Cotton is now a significant crop in the irrigated Riverina region of southern NSW, Australia, increasing in area from approximately 39,000 ha in 2013 to 90,050 ha in 2018 and contributing from between 10-30% of Austra
Butler, Greg (AgDel, 2019-06-30)
Ultra-High Pressure Water Jet technology has a number of industrial applications in product manufacturing.
Gaynor, Harry (The University Of Sydney, 2019-06-30)
Irrigation is a key component of cotton production in Australian agriculture, where increasing pressures of water scarcity requires growers to improve their water use efficiency.
Kingston, Kate (Griffith University, 2019-06-30)
Drought is one of these natural weather phenomena set to accelerate that causes massive losses to agricultural crops, increase land degradation, reduce clean water supplies and thereby inducing malnutrition and starva