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Biggs, Andrew (2015-05-04)
The Focus on NRM research series introduces you to the key cotton NRM researchers and their work.
Dore, David, Fairweather, Helen (2006-04-28)
Catchment managers have a responsibility to ensure equitable use of water, balancing water requirements from the upper catchment all the way downstream to the end of the valley.
Chapman, Murray (2004-04-01)
The National Program for Sustainable Irrigation convened a one-day national workshop to investigate the current use of different methodologies to estimate crop water use and possibly to initiate establishment of natio
NPIRD (2002-06-27)
A national workshop was convened by National Program for Irrigation Research and Development (NPIRD) to establish the need for national standards for rrigated crop water balance and crop evapotranspiration (ETc1) fiel
Triantafilis, John, McBratney, Alex (1992-08-11)
In the arid and semi-arid regions of the world, irrigation has enabled previously unarable tracts of land to be used for a wide variety of agricultural activities.