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Smith, Adam (2015-04-13)
This project is investigating water bird communities on cotton storages in the Gwydir and Namoi Valleys.
Montgomery, Janelle (2014-12-17)
Often storages are not built accurately to the design and actual volumes can differ by up to 20 per cent. In addition, a build-up of silt and slumping of dam walls can change the dimensions of your storage.
Hulugalle, Nilantha (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2014-06-30)
The overall aim of the project was to evaluate selected irrigated cropping systems and management practices in terms of carbon sequestration, water storage and WUE, soil quality and profitability.
Wigginton (ed.), David (2013-07-31)
WATERpak provides technical information and practical advice to help irrigators improve irrigation practices, minimise environmental impacts and increase farm profits from irrigated cotton crops.
Symes, Troy, Schmidt, Erik (2011-03-28)
Pressure sensitive transducers (PSTs) can be used to precisely measure water depth and therefore accurately determine the seepage and evaporation losses from water storages.