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Dalton, Alexandra (Upper Namoi Cotton Grower Association, 2019-06-30)
The Upper Namoi Cotton Growers CGA showed particular interest in the water savings and water efficiency infrastructure available.
Quinn, James (CottonInfo Team, 2018-06-30)
Deep drainage and runoff, combined with poor nitrogen fertiliser practice, is resulting in significant nitrogen losses in early season irrigation.
Thomas, Amanda (Macquarie Cotton Growers Association, 2017-06-30)
The GrassRoots Program allows cotton valley regions to investigate community grower projects.
Chudleigh, Peter (Agtrans Research, 2017-06-30)
Water use efficiency (WUE) in an agricultural context can be defined as the measure of a cropping system's capacity to convert water into plant biomass, grain or other harvested output.
Coast, Onoriode (CSIRO Agriculture & Food, 2016-06-30)
There is significant gap between the average industry yield and the top achievers in irrigated cotton industry of Australia.