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Bierhoff, Bernard (Walgett Cotton Growers Association, 2019-06-30)
Growers in the Walgett Cotton Growers Association(CGA) have shown ongoing interest in ensuring that they are at the forefront of new technologies and ideas.
Gaynor, Harry (The University Of Sydney, 2019-06-30)
Irrigation is a key component of cotton production in Australian agriculture, where increasing pressures of water scarcity requires growers to improve their water use efficiency.
Han, Si Yang (The University Of Sydney, 2019-06-30)
Soil moisture (SM) can highly vary in space and time, and this can have a significant impact on cotton crop yield and fibre quality.
Dalton, Alexandra (Upper Namoi Cotton Grower Association, 2019-06-30)
The Upper Namoi Cotton Growers CGA showed particular interest in the water savings and water efficiency infrastructure available.
Quinn, James (CottonInfo Team, 2018-06-30)
Deep drainage and runoff, combined with poor nitrogen fertiliser practice, is resulting in significant nitrogen losses in early season irrigation.