Australian Cotton Cooperative Research Centre IPM Short course - "Learning Together"

Date Issued:2000-08-16


Cotton integrated pest management (IPM) is a continuously evolving pest management philosophy. A high level of awareness has been created by the commercial success of a number of IPM programs in recent years and a general awareness of the wide range of tools being promoted within the concept of cotton IPM. There is a desire on the part of growers for clarity in the definition of IPM for Australian cotton and a positive environment for the acceptance and adoption of IPM strategies in the industry (Coutts, 1997). The primary aim of the Australian Cotton Cooperative Research Centre, IPM Training Coordinator project is to assist in improving the level of adoption of IPM strategies within the Australian cotton industry. The implementation of appropriate management strategies for both conventional insecticides and transgenic plants is critical if the industry is to survive in the long term. The project seeks to tram a large proportion of growers over a relatively short period of time in a program that provides the opportunity to adopt IPM strategies for a sustainable future.

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