Macquarie Cotton Growers Welcome Back Project

Date Issued:2012-06-30


Report from the Administration Officer, MCGA: I have recently taken up the reins of Macquarie Cotton Growers Association and, besides being on a steep learning curve, I am also following up on a few loose ends, one of which was the CRDC funding for the past funding period.

After a conversation with Sally Hunter yesterday, it has transpired that we have not invoiced the CRDC for the grant money that had been made available in 2011.

The application form that was submitted by MCGA outlines the benefits that our two projects would bring to our local cotton growing community. One of the projects, the Barefoot Bowls Day, was postponed, and instead a Field Day was held. This was supported by a group of growers and refreshments, lunch and a bus were provided by MCGA.

In addition a BBQ trailer was built with the help of some funding from DFACS. It is a very well designed setup and has been getting regular use through the local communities in the Lower Macquarie. We are providing it free of charge for not-for-profit organisations and will charge a user fee for larger companies or private use.

There have been additional costs with the BBQ trailer which include tyres, registration and proposed sign writing, which has been made possible with CRDC funding. Substantial in-kind input has been made by MCGA committee members in regard to the designing and administration of the building and management of the trailer.

Once the trailer undergoes sign writing, it will be a very visual advertisement for Macquarie Cotton Growers Association, as well as creating a sense of support by cotton growers within the communities.

The other significant outlay was the decision to have Rachael Robertson as the keynote speaker at our annual Grower Awards night. As outlined in the funding proposal, this was a great drawcard for the night, and has resulted in very positive feedback from our grower community.

The committee of MCGA feels that these funded projects have impacted very favourably with both the growers and the wider community. The BBQ trailer has raised the profile of the association in the community and is a very positive outcome. Field days are an integral part of supporting our growers and create enthusiasm and networking. Having a keynote speaker makes our awards night a more significant event and encourages our membership to socialise and celebrate.

I have emailed an invoice for $8,000 which was first raised in November 2011, and have also sent a second invoice for $2000, being the balance of the funding grant that was offered. As I am sending them direct from Phoenix, they will be separate from this email.

Macquarie Cotton Growers Association would like to thank the CRDC for making this funding available as it enables our committee to support our members and our community to a level that otherwise would not be possible.

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