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Linnegar, Matt (Deakon University, 2017-06-30)
In line with CRDC Strategic Plan 2013 - 18, CRDC has supported the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation with the substratal belief that the success of the Australian cotton industry is driven by
Spark, Phil (North West Ecological Services, 2017-06-30)
This project will provide the cotton industry with a champion for Rivercare aiming to communicate to cotton growers and the general public, through the establishment of a long-term riparian condition monitoring site o
Nettle, Ruth (University Of Melbourne, 2016-06-30)
The Australian cotton industry recognises the value of people and has a vision that by 2029 it will be an - an industry that “retains, attracts and develops highly capable people” (Cotton Research and Development Corp
Yeates, Stephen, Grundy, Paul (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2016-06-30)
The Burdekin region of coastal north Queensland and other areas of tropical Australia provide a significant opportunity for Australian cotton industry stabilisation and contribution to drought proofing.
Cottee, Nicola (Cotton Australia, 2016-06-30)
Within the national framework for biosecurity, all commonwealth and state governments and plant industries who are signatories to the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) formally commit to preparations that inc