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Welsh, Jon, Baethgen, Walter (CottonInfo Team, 2017-06-30)
Climate risk management one of the most important issues facing cotton growers.
Smith, Rod (University Of Southern Queensland, 2015-06-30)
Development and demonstration of a practical and commercially viable ‘smart’ automation system for furrow irrigation was the aim and key outcome of this project. The system consists of three major component parts.
Gordon, Bill (Bill Gordon Consulting Pty Ltd, 2015-06-30)
This project examined the costs and benefits of defoliation strategies used in the defoliation of high input irrigated cotton crops.
Graham, Charles (NSW Department Of Primary Industries, 2015-06-30)
This project built on many years of weeds work supported by CRDC and value added to earlier research, while providing strategic information to growers in support of MyBMP, based around updating WEEDpak.
Smith, Rhiannon (University Of New England, 2015-06-30)
Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans get from the environment. Many ecosystem services are relevant to cotton production (e.g.