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Gourley, Ian (Dryland Cotton Research Association, 2017-06-30)
Achieving reliable, even crop establishment has been identified through the Dryland Cotton Research Association (DCRA) project meetings as one of the major concerns dryland cotton growers face.
Lower, Tony (University Of Sydney, 2016-06-30)
The cotton sector is a leader in farm WHS because growers have used evidence-based information to develop practical and effective systems to manage WHS.
Scobie, Michael (2014-12-17)
An energy assessment establishes energy saving opportunities. Measuring (or estimating) energy use enables comparison with industry benchmarks and, in turn, identifies high energy use areas.
Everleigh, Rob, Hunter, Geoff (2014-06-30)
The Dryland cotton industry is often disadvantaged by not being able to plant within the limited time available under the planting window.
Maas, Susan (2014-05-09)
Come Clean Go Clean is one of the simplest yet most effective strategies for minimising the spread of weeds, diseases and pests.