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Pfeiffer, Tony (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
An efficient and world standard computing system at ACRI has benefited all research
Rochester, Ian (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
This project has advanced the use of soil and tissue testing such that growers and advisors are now better able to optimise fertiliser use and have greater confidence in their management practices to provide sound nut
Richards, Dirk (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
The broad aims of CCC CRC 5.2.03 ‘Delivering science to agribusiness: Smart approaches to cotton irrigation management’ were to; conduct irrigation research for emerging crop management issues and alternative cotton c
Bange, Mike (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
Principal Researchers: Dr M. Bange, Ms. S Deutscher, Mr D. Linsley, Mr S. Johnston, Mr. D. Richards, Ms. L. Thakur, Ms L. Clancy
Olm, Nevin (Australian Cotton Grower Research Association, 2006-06-30)
The 13th Australian Cotton Conference in August 2006 provided an excellent 'showcase' to
enhance the outputs from CRDC funded research to the industry. The largest gathering of