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Welsh, Jon, Baethgen, Walter (CottonInfo Team, 2017-06-30)
Climate risk management one of the most important issues facing cotton growers.
Winter, Simon (RIRDC, 2016-06-30)
Agriculture is facing current productivity challenges in terms of managing pests and diseases, which
will significantly increase within the next decade. With a general decline in productivity growth and
Wooden, Therese, Cottee, Nicola (Cotton Australia, 2016-06-30)
The Cotton Australia Grower RD&E Advisory Panels function in providing practical advice on research, development and extension (RD&E) needs and priorities within the industry.
Dickinson, Sally (2015-07-02)
In August 2014, St George cotton growers took part in their first 'Spring Clean' event, turning the difficult business of disease management into a fun, social day; uniting the community behind the common go
(Crop Consultants Australia, 2012-06-30)
In the autumn of 2011, CRDC identified that the forecast of a second consecutive La Nina year represented a potential disease risk to the cotton industry that was linked to the over-winter management of weeds, ratoon