Travel Scholarship: 2018 Australian(International) Whitefly Symposium
This travel scholarship funding enabled the attendance at the 3rd International Whitefly Symposium, held in Fremantle in September 2018 was a good opportunity to present Australian researchers whitefly research from the past 5 years, which was part of the projects CSP140, CSP1303, CSP 1401 and CSP 1703, to an international audience.
The researcher presented a paper titled “Indirect whitefly/plant interactions: honeydew related factors affecting cotton lint quality and options for mitigation” and Smith presented a paper on “Silver leaf whitefly predation: a DNA approach to its evaluation”. The conference enabled the researcher to gauge the extent of international whitefly research, interact with other whitefly researchers to exchange experiences, become aware of new developments and ideas, and recognise opportunities for communication and collaboration.
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- 2019 Final Reports
CRDC Final Reports submitted 2019