Whitefly resistance monitoring 2010-2013
Silverleaf whitefly (SLW) is a major insect pest of the cotton industry. It is a pest because it excretes honeydew that contaminates cotton lint, causing problems during textile processing. Honeydew contaminated lint may receive price penalties or in extreme cases may be rejected from sale. Insecticides are an integral part of whitefly IPM, particularly products like Admiral® (pyriproxyfen) which are soft on natural enemies. However, SLW can rapidly develop resistance to insecticides as seen overseas (Israel and USA: Arizona) where resistance to pyriproxyfen has been reported. An insecticide resistance management strategy (IRMS) has been developed by the Australian cotton industry for SLW to prolong the life of insecticides like Admiral®. This project collected SLW insecticide resistance data so the performance of the IRMS can be evaluated and if necessary the IRMS can be adjusted to reduce the likelihood of SLW developing resistance to insecticides used against it. During 2010-13, the insecticide resistance status of silverleaf whitefly populations in cotton growing regions (Emerald, Theodore, St George, Mungindi, Moree and Narrabri) was monitored. Insecticides tested included pyriproxyfen, diafenthiuron, bifenthrin, spirotetramat and clothianidin. Silverleaf whiteflies populations in each of these cotton regions remain susceptible to these products. A small increase in the LC50 for bifenthrin at Narrabri was detected in the 2010–11 season, but this has decreased in the subsequent seasons. Limited data on clothianidin indicate potential for resistance at Emerald but further testing over coming seasons is required. The elevated levels of resistance to clothianidin are likely to be the result of widespread usage of neonicotinoids in the form of seed coat dressings at planting as only minor amounts of clothianidin are utilised in foliar crop applications.
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- 2013 Final Reports
CRDC Final Reports submitted 2013