Cotton Pest Management Guide 2014 - 2015
Cotton Pest Management Guide 2014 -2015 _ Hardcopy
The Cotton Pest Management Guide 2014-15 is the industry’s premium resource for insect, mite and weed control, disease prevention, biosecurity and spray application information.
This Guide provides you with a comprehensive summary of the key cotton crop protection issues, and is brought to you by the Australian cotton industry’s joint extension program, CottonInfo. CottonInfo is an initiative of the Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Cotton Australia and Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, designed to bring you best practice information, when and where you need it. A major focus of this year’s Cotton Pest Management Guide is the inclusion of the first Herbicide Resistance Management Strategy (page 88). The HRMS is designed as a tool for weed management in irrigated and dryland farming systems incorporating herbicide tolerant cotton, to delay glyphosate resistance.
ISSN: 1442-8462
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- CottonInfo manuals, guides, paks & tools
CottonInfo manuals, guides, paks & tools