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Walker, , P.W., Harris, V.E. (1986-08-20)
Traps baited with sex attractants ( 1 pheromone 1 traps) are presently being used by a number of farmers in Central Queensland to monitor P. scutigera populations and for timing insecticide sprays.
Chinajariyawong, , A., Harris, V.E. (1986-08-20)
Experiments were conducted to determine whether on cotton, Rutherglen Bug and Grey Cluster Bug were able to survive, develop and reproduce. Their ability to damage cotton was also assessed.
Watson, W.J. (1986-08-20)
Reducing the costs of pest management may be looked at in two ways. These are the actual reduction of chemical costs which must be balanced against the need to maintain or enhance yield.
Fitt, Gary P. (1986-08-20)
Of the five species of Heliothis in Australia, only two, Heliothis armigera and H. punctigera are major economic pests. They are clearly the major pests of cotton in all production areas.
Constable, G.A., Rochester, I.J., Cook, J.B. (1986-08-20)
Questions are often raised about whether trace elements are required on cotton.
ACGRA (1986-08-01)
Fitt, Gary (1986-07-05)
The visits to research institutions proved extremely enlightening and valuable.
Allen, S.J. (1986-06-30)
Spurway, R.A. (1986-06-30)
Mason, W. (1986-06-30)
Moffat, M.L. (1986-06-30)
The experiments reported here investigated the influence of high or low concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the multiplication of X.campestris pv. malvacearum in cotton leaf tissue.
Lawrence, P.K. (1986-06-30)
Wilson, A. (1986-06-30)
This 3 year study examined the relationships between catches of Heliothis adults in monitoring traps and the abundance of eggs on cotton crops.
Hearn, A.B. (1986-06-30)
* Testing various versions of SIRATAC on a commercial scale. * Ptoviding a database of the response of cotton to damage. *Comparing the response of the new varieties Siokra and DP90 with DP61.
To determine the various factors affecting the loss of activity of insecticides on cotton over time.
Hearn, A.B., Brook, K.D. (1986-06-30)
Brook, K.D. (1986-06-30)