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Bange, Mike (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
Principal Researchers: Dr M. Bange, Ms. S Deutscher, Mr D. Linsley, Mr S. Johnston, Mr. D. Richards, Ms. L. Thakur, Ms L. Clancy
Miles, Melina (Queensland Department Of Primary Industries, 2007-06-30)
The focus of the project has been to provide support for growers and consultants of broadacre crops, as they attempt to implement IPM.
Campbell, Lindsay (Univerity Of Sydney, 2007-06-30)
The salts of many essential plant nutrients are soluble in water and may be applied to plant leaves directly as a foliar fertiliser.
Dodd, Kylie (University Of New England, 2007-06-30)
This PhD project aims to determine the mechanisms, by which soil sodicity impacts on the uptake of nutrients and growth of cotton crops, in order that soil sodium levels can be factored into crop nutritional managemen
Henderson, Lionel (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
CSIRO Plant lndustry's Cotton Management Support Systems Team (CMSST) develops and
delivers decision support systems (DSS) to improve the profitability and sustainability of
Constable, Greg (CSIRO Plant Industry, 2007-06-30)
This project has part funded field operation costs charged by NSW DPI to CSIRO for experiments on ACRI at Narrabri in 2006/07.
Downes, Sharon (CSIRO Entomology, 2007-06-30)
I was invited to speak in a symposium on monitoring for resistance to Bt at the 2006 combined Meetings of the Society of Invertebrate Pathology and VIII International Conference on Bacillus thuringiensis (ICBt).
Collinge, Derek (Australian National University, 2007-06-30)
Stable transformation is an essential tool for molecular biologists workingon non-model organsims.
Anderson, Gavin (GA Research, Gavin Anderson & Associates, 2007-06-30)
Findings at a glance
Water availability and the related subject of climate change is the primary issue facing the
This project part funded the purchase of a new HVI to be used for testing fibre samples from CSIRO’s cotton breeding program as well as most research projects at ACRI and other locations such as Canberra and Kununurra
Swallow, David (ACGRA, 2007-06-30)
The 13th Australian Cotton Conference in August 2006 provided an excellent 'showcase' to
enhance the outputs from CRDC funded research to the industry. The largest gathering of
Australian cotton fibre is exported into a dynamic and competitive market and we need to ensure an ever-improving product to meet the demand from spinners.
Loke, Stella (University Of Sydney, 2007-06-30)
I feel that the trip was particularly successful. In my own research I have found that diverse communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) actually survive in the cotton cropping soils at Narrabri.
Loke, Stella (Univerity Of Sydney, 2007-06-30)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important symbiotic partners to the majority of land plants. AMF depend on the plant community for photosynthate-derived energy.
Pyke, Bruce (RIRDC, 2007-06-30)
This report is a result of the national extension/education review which was a flagship project of the Co-operative Venture for Capacity Building for Innovation in rural Industries(CVCB).The review sought a range of e
Note: this project supported the operation of a fibre quality laboratory at ACRI to service most research projects. Specific details on fibre quality results are listed in those project reports.
Rencken, Ingrid (University Of New England, 2007-06-30)
Beneficial insects (generalist predators and parasitoids) occur within cotton agro ecosystems in Australia, but farming systems do not always encourage their survival.
Gordon, Stuart (2007-06-30)
Provide a one page Summary of your research that is not commercial in confidence, and that can be published on the World Wide Web.
Dugdale, Helen (Wincott Inc., 2007-06-30)
Wincott – the Women’s Industry Network Cotton – has achieved all the objectives of this project.
Smith, Rebecca (2007-06-30)
Picking contractors are most concerned about the financial viability and security of their business and the aging status and declining value of their machinery Movement of machinery is a major concern for picking cont